[Spacecadets] Meeting minutes

John Benedetto john.benedetto at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 11:42:29 PST 2017


You see, this is what I am talking about.

> I'll accept your word that the board made a secret rule last spring forbidding use of the east attic. Or
> if what you mean instead is that the board made a secret rule long before that, I'll believe that too.

You claim things that I never said (well, actually, that no one has
ever said).  There are no 'secret rules'.  It's just another case of
growing pains of the organization, another case where a verbal policy
doesn't work any more, and should be written down & properly codified.
We are TRYING to be more transparent on Quelab governance.  We welcome
visitors to almost every meeting that takes place in the space (for
example, just this week, you weren't kicked out when we had the Board
meeting in the main classroom).  Celeste is having minutes sent out to
the members list, and is always available to listen to Members'

Though this has already been said by multiple people multiple ways,
I'll say it again: The East Attic is a case where an exception of a
existing rule became permanent & spread across the organization. It's
not the Board or Officers creating secret rules, or changing things
after the fact to suit someone's whims or targeting you out of spite
or retaliation.  Just because you never heard the rule before, doesn't
mean it didn't exist.

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