[Spacecadets] Annex Status

Geoff Nicholson geoff at quelab.net
Mon Feb 29 12:29:40 PST 2016

Forwarding on Darrel's questions and Adric's comments about the layout in
the Annex to the Space Cadets.

Currently, we are waiting on the realtor to draw up the lease addendum.  We
agreed to continue paying the elevated rate for the rest of the space
through the termination of the original lease, and then we will be signing
a new lease in October for both parcels at the lower rate.

However, I'm feeling ok with saying we can move in, because we're all but
90% done with signing the lease.

I'm strongly opposed to moving the laser into the annex, for three reasons:
1) It won't fit through any of the doors; we tried.
2) we've got plenty of good infrastructure for the laser where it is
3) we want to be able to have more opportunities for sublet space, and if
we fill it up with tools, we loose.

I had a slightly different plan for the layout as attached, but I'm
flexible on most of it.  I would desperately want to see the Donation Zone
shrink back to it's original size (10'x10') but it was by the MASTS rollup
for ease of drop-off.  If we move it into the Annex's roll-up, that's not
as easy to get your truck backed up to as the one in MASTS... and the hope
is that most things will be gone in a month so it shouldn't be getting so
full... but that's not a SpaceCadets problem.

-- geoff
-- quelab.net

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 12:46 PM, Adric <adricm at gmail.com> wrote:
I still think reolocating the donation dropzone to a space along the built
in office and the west wall, would be a good idea,  that way small
donations could come in through the "front door" big ones could come in via
the rollup door, and it woudl return the front end and rollup door of the
shops to use.

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 12:17 PM, dknutson <darrelknutson at sandien.com>

> Hello Geoff,
> Do we have any status on the negotiations for the Annex?  What are the
> possible uses being discussed?  Attached is a fairly accurate outline of
> the floor space and a proposed use model.  We obtained a great deal of
> usable material from Kurt’s Camera Corral and that material is the basis of
> the model.  Add curtains to wall off some of the areas with the backs of 6
> foot high booths as walls and we have multiple “multi” purpose rooms.
> Just a proposal to get the dialogue going.
> Darrel
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