[Spacecadets] Sublet Proposals

John Benedetto john.benedetto at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 22:44:11 PST 2016

I am not sure I am comfortable charging people to store a piece of plywood
or other lumber.  I think the current rule about "allowed one tote" hasn't
kept up with reality. If you are working on ANY project in the shop areas,
your materials are quite likely to NOT fit into the allowed tote.  Even
materials for the laser cutter won't fit, since the bed is 2' X 3'.  I
think some people just will never use a tote, instead having material on
hand, and I don't think they should be charged for it.  Might it be
acceptable to build a storage rack for lumber with multiple slots for
multiple people to store their materials? If you want, I can try to make a
mockup to show you what is in my head.

I was initially against just marking off tape on the floor, but I think it
would be easiest to go forward with, and most flexible as renters change &
the space a person rents might grow bigger or smaller as circumstances

The picture is pretty -
http://georgemdavison.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Kiski-4.jpg - but what
about those people that are making something large-ish?  Say I wanted to
build a Tardis or bookshelves.  That is the sort of thing I would want to
rent a bench for, rather than taking it up & down & up & down.  It's also
something I would want access to from all sides of the bench, not locked
against the others as in your picture.

I supposed we could have some of both the workbench farm like in your pic,
and some benches removed from the others?  Would that work?

I'd almost rather build a workbench with a shelf below capable of holding a
tote, rather than building the under-bench area into a lockable space.  If
someone hasn't paid their rent, it's going to be easier to move a tote than
picking or cutting off a lock.

Under your proposal, does the tote storage in the tool room go away?  (I
have heard at least one person suggest that).  Do you want to do as the
London space does, and buy a bunch of totes to have on hand?  Have them

I don't care if the Donation zone is relocated or not (Or if PFUDOR is
relocated; that is something else I have heard proposed.  I wonder if they
don't realize the name would move with the room, or if it's more in the
line of 'maybe the annex would at least have HEAT"?).

If this proposal is accepted, please remember to update the Job Description
of the Facilities Manager in the Officers' google drive share if that
position will be responsible for the rent & enforcement.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Geoff Nicholson <
Demonsthenes at meme-complex.com> wrote:

> Greetings Space Cadets!
> I've been going over the old spacecadets discussions, based on the
> proposals brought to the directors from the original run (back when we
> moved in and had to clean up all the fake blood).  I'd like to distill what
> we think is good and what we think is bad from these, and come up with
> usage policies that will help us afford the new space we're hoping to rent
> out.
> Back then the sublet proposals were for $2/sqft for areas not on the
> ground floor (Fortress of Solitude and where MMF is currently renting) and
> 'more' for space on the ground floor.  More was never determined, but was
> assumed to be a dollar or so more per square-foot.  Additionally, Rooms 1
> and 7 were optioned for member rental as they had the best opportunities
> for security (only one or two doors to be locked... and #1 has the external
> door for... purposes).
> To be eligible for member rental, the members in question would have to be
> auto-paying members who had been in good standing (ie paid on time) for a
> few months (the last draft was 6mo), or pay-in-advance members who were
> paid up for a couple months.
> There have been calls to release more rooms in the main campus for member
> rental at or below $2/sqft.  There have been requests for bench rental
> (exclusive use) and there have been requests for storage above and beyond
> your 36-gal plastic tub.
> To address those requests, here's my suggestion for the structure of the
> storage rental.  Right now, I'm leaning towards keeping the $2/sqft number
> in the new storage area (so renting a 3x4 bench would cost $24/mo, and
> renting a 2x4 spot to store your plywood would cost $16/mo).  I haven't
> measured all the rooms that people are interested in renting in either of
> the areas, so I don't know if $2/sqft is a reasonable price.  We've made it
> such that you can't rent the Core for more than a day or two (event), so
> our concern about people taking up all the floor space for a month in the
> largest room in the space is no longer a concern.
> Here's this in more legalese.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hT7GxRCGHB5We5gZr7FTjQRc7kU0PgxS-u1QNmEqj4M/edit?usp=sharing
> Thoughts?
> -- geoff
> -- quelab.net
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