[Spacecadets] Rearranging at Quelab

John Benedetto john.benedetto at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 09:44:10 PST 2016

Drew, etc.:

> I'm not talking about using X item for a personal project. I'm talking
about using it for a Quelab project; I don't see why
> stuff from the donations pile would require approval any more than
anything else at Quelab would require approval

Well, because that's the policy that's been set by the board & the officer
in question: "Anything that comes in as a donation will be evaluated by the
Donations officer" (paraphrasing here).  Why was this policy set?  I don't
know the exacts, but I can think of some examples: the difference between
"I stripped this machine for the stepper motors & a rod" over "We were able
to sell this machine for $75" (or whatever), or "Hmm... old drill body, no
motor, I'll melt this down for the aluminum", versus "We sold this to a
collector for $50".

> We didn't know the pad outside was an option. The welding instructor
wasn't here, we didn't have his phone number,
> and the class was scheduled to start the following morning.

But there is a Board-appointed officer that has responsibility for
education & classes - you could trust that they know what they are doing,
and wouldn't schedule such a class without making sure it had space to take
place.  If you are unsure about something, ask them, or send email to
officers at quelab.net.  Contact for individual officers is on the Officers
page in the wiki.


And we can go on arguing about this, point-for-point, but there's no
benefit.  Let me try to point the thread in a new direction.

Let me start with this: You (& Adric & Alice & Anders & Christopher &
whoever else) are absolutely right.  That area was out of control, and
something needed to be done.  We (Darren & I) knew this as well, and
recognized we need to handle it all better.  AND many members did (most)
everything right: Offer to help.  Offer to help to the Officers
responsible.  Offer to help to the entire members' mailing list.

I don't think this needs to be a Community meeting agenda item to discuss
this policy, we have the officers and/or the board for that. Perhaps,
though, at the meeting we can solicit 3 - 5 members to provide their input
to work with us to revamp the Donations process.  This has been in place
for about year, and though we've pulled in over $600 between scrap &
selling stuff, it might be time to revisit the details.  Where has the
process not been good enough, what can we improve?

Some suggestions to start the discussion:
- Enlarge the team that handles donations (if Darren is okay with this),
though Darren (well, the Donations Officer) will have final say on
donations disposition.
- When something is identified for sale, it needs to be moved somewhere
else (I have suggested this already to Darren, and we try to do this, but
don't always)
- When something is identified for member use it needs to be moved
somewhere else (some things can go/have gone into Hyperspace, but I think
somewhere else is needed)

I now see Charel's response, and I agree it's time to kill this thread, but
have been working on this reply for too long.  If there's interest in what
I've said, let's put it into a new thread without the Officers & Space
Cadets.  Perhaps after tonight's meeting?

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