1. backdrops for photos Place in the annex? Comments: rely on the backdrops and love having them for project photography. Would be great to find a good place for these kinds of sets The photo back drops are not Gonners, they were donated to the space, and he made a mount and put them up. SC/Members should choose if they see any use/value in it, and if not, it should be sold or given away or tossed, if Quelab members think its useful. it could be moved other places, including the west attic, or even just decide to decide later. That all is a discussion for the space cadets and the president. The board is here to make sure the decisions made by them are in the benefit of Quelab as we see it, and is legally and fiscally prudent. ------------------------------------------- 2. glass work - room 1?? Pro: natural light Con: room is used for meetings - not a schedual issue, but a space sharing issue Note from Sherie: Charel, none of the glass stuff has been touched or ticketed, so I’ve been kinda wondering when/how that’s going to happen. I’m trying to get things together, but I do work about 13 hours a day on top of everything else. I just with I had more notice so that I could figure out whether the stuff is staying at Quelab or going home, and to arrange help to pack it up. Remember, this really wasn’t an issue before around January, so for me it feels like it’s going fast, especially with more than just a few bins to move. Spring break is coming up, but I’m spending a lot of it going to Silver to get my mom and move her stuff here. So, of course I’m freaking out trying to find a place for the glass stuff and a way to move it. Note: possible glass classes ------------------------------------------- 3. replacement SC member ------------------------------------------ 4. Digital Arts room setup and operating ----------------------------------------- 5. Ham Shack need interested members to orgaize and start using ------------------------------------------- 6. LCDs/laptops/cables in place Any problems? (plywood for top shelf needs bolting) ------------------------------------------- 7. cleaning the couches Not specific to SC, placeholder, who is responsible? ----------------------------------------- 8. Member/Officer storage in east attic Keep empty or storage? Do not have a good reason for keeping empty Agreed on storage? Darren ideas?? Critical: nothing that can start a fire!!! Extra membership perk? Limited space is free (say 2x3 foot space for stacked tubs or filing cabinet) Rent cost? paid every month? Offcers store extra stock - laser cutter - woodshop - ??? ------------------------------------ 9. building shelves/storage racks in east attic/poop deck/etc What is needed? Officers have first crack at design Members - with their stuff removed, do not have a good idea of what is needed a priori, so members need to design their own space - meaured by width and length What else is needed for the attic? - Roof leak? - vents into electronics?