[Spacecadets] Recommendation to stay at current location and rent the south space

Charel Morris charelm at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 14:46:09 PST 2016


Thanks Drew, I was just getting ready to send out a note as well. And so I
will start with Geoff's concerns.

Yes, but she went over which of these issues (code violations) are Hanna's
to fix and what would be ours. And to gather those items and bring them
into the negotiations going forward. She was clear that she wasn't aware of
any other commercial space in the area that would be as affordable.

Also, we discussed the issue of not being informed regarding the additional
NNN fees in a timely manner. And she said she would not pay it.

And she did suggest that if we want to add the 7th street space *and* feel
we can afford the additional money, we should not go into a monthly rental
but rather move to a new 3 year lease for the whole space now. Not wait
until October but move on it now. The 7th street space is on the market.
She also suggests that we come in with an offer that is lower then they are
requesting. Decide in advance what our top offer is and work from there.

She is happy to help us behind the scenes with how to present things and
reviewing the contract - but doesn't want to be on record as Hanna would
then need to pay her and would charge us more for the space.

My concern is someone else coming in and offering Hanna his asking price.
All he has to do then is give us a chance to meet that price. Or the space
is gone.

Andres had sent over the flyers of space he had looked at for Quelab
recently and prices ranged from $5 per sq ft to $8.99 per Sq Ft and these
were spaces of 10 to 20,000 sq ft and I don't think that would be
reasonable for us to jump into.

I am available for phone calls or ??? to discuss this further.


On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Geoff Nicholson <
Demonsthenes at meme-complex.com> wrote:

> Gas Plubming Code Violations?
> (Bad) News to me....
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Charel Morris
[p] 505-896-0371
[c] 310.567.9269
SKYPE • charelmorris

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